Wealth signiíes Group W's primary objective: to generate and sustain wealth for its clients.
Wisdom reflects the firm's approach to decision-making and strategic advisory.
Worldwide" underscores the
firm's global outlook and reach.
In today's interconnected world.

Our Services

The interpretation of the "W" in Group W as standing for "Wealth," "Wisdom," and "Worldwide" offers a profound foundation upon which to base the understanding of their services. Here's a concise definition of each service, reflecting these core values:

Strategic advisory

Strategic advisory

Strategic advisory involves providing expert advice to clients
on crucial strategic decisions, blending "Wisdom" with
"Wealth" creation strategies. By analyzing market trends and
leveraging worldwide insights, strategic advisory helps
businesses navigate complex scenarios, ensuring sustainable
growth and competitive advantage in a global context.

M&A | Mergers & Acquisitions

M&A | Mergers & Acquisitions

M&A embody the synthesis of "Wealth" creation through
strategic consolidation or acquisition of businesses. This
reîects "Wisdom" in selecting the right partnerships and
opportunities that align with client's long-term objectives. On
a "Worldwide" scale, M&A facilitate global expansion and
synergy creation, driving value for all stakeholders involved.

Corporate finance

Corporate finance

Corporate finance focuses on the optimal management of a
company's financial resources, embodying the "Wealth"
aspect by maximizing shareholder value through investment,
financing, and dividend decisions. It involves "Wisdom" in
financial planning and analysis to navigate financial risks and
opportunities. The "Worldwide" perspective comes into play
through understanding global financial markets and sourcing
capital internationally to support business growth and

Family offices

Family offices

Family offices, private wealth management advisory firms
that serve ultra-high-net-worth individuals. They represent
"Wealth" by preserving and growing family wealth over
generations. "Wisdom" is in the tailored investment
strategies, estate planning, philanthropy advice, ensuring
family's values and legacy are upheld. The "Worldwide"
aspect is evident in the global investment opportunities and
management of assets across deferent jurisdictions,
providing families a global footprint in managing their wealth.


From the heritage to the infinite represented by the Cassiopeia constellation, Group W history is merged with Gross Family. The group is currently managed by Frederic Gross who develop the corporation and will transmit the legacy to the next generation.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to reach out to us to arrange a meeting with our founder. Please specify the topic of interest so we can prepare accordingly and ensure a focused and productive discussion

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